Reporter: Jiang Nan(china)
We went on our second
report trip in a rainy day but even the rain could not ruin our happiness.
Halal food stall
First, we went to a food stall that Kumar usually buys food from. It is very close to sanjo where Tohoku University student dormitory is located. What makes the food stall special is it only sells Halal food. And it really shocked me because from the outside it seemed like it was only a very small shop but only after I walked inside I found there were considerable varieties of food containing almost all the food that Muslims need to prepare for their food, from drinks to meat. And the prices were also very cheap, even cheaper than the supermarket. Later we talked with the owner. He told us that he was from Bangladesh and he had lived in Japan for over 15? Years. He once was Tohoku University student. But during the time he lived here, he found as a Muslim, it was so hard to buy Halal food because there was not even one food stall that sold Halal food. So later after he graduated, this idea became one of his motivations to open this food stall. Nowadays, there are plenty of customers visiting his shop every day, not only Muslims, but also of lots of Japanese and Indians.
Later Kumar
introduced some of the food their and bought some food that he usually buys.
But for me, as a Chinese, actually I really knew nothing about Halal food until
I went there and most of the food there was my first time to see them. So for
me, it was like a totally new world and I was really looking forward to the
food that Kumar was going to make for us.
Next, we went
to coop supermarket where I usually buy food from. I chose some snacks that I
like there and they were ハッピーターン, ハーベスト バタートースト, カラムーチョ ホットチリ味, Almond
chocolate, 仙台辛味噌ラーメン, UFO焼そば. I like them is because they can always remind me of the taste of my
childhood. And of course, in my opinion, they are the best tasty ones among all
the other snacks.
I also bought
one of the Japanese green tea there, and it was called おーいお茶. I
really like drinking tea when I am free so I tried lots of Japanese tea already
and I think Japanese tea is somehow different from Chinese tea. First of all,
Chinese seldom drink tea pack but in most case, using tea leaves. Although the
tea leaves also being torn, it is still much larger than the one inside tea
pack. Besides, Chinese prefer having tea at their leisure, so that’s why
usually Chinese people use a tea set to make tea and do it very slowly instead
of using tea pack and having tea at anytime any places. But tea pack has some
other advantages over tea leaves. For example, it’s much more convenient and
time-saving, and we can have tea at anytime. What’s more, categories of tea are
also different between Japan and China. In Japan, 緑茶、紅茶andウーロン茶 are most
common, while in China, tea is more often divided into different kinds
according to the places where they grow, like PuEr tea, LongJing tea, and
others such as jasmine tea and so on.
At Kumar’s place
After the
supermarket, we went to Kumar’s home. He made some classic Indian food for us,
one is Indian milktea, one is the round thing which is very sweet Gulab Jamun,
and the other is Nan.
He told us
that he made Nan everyday and brought them to school. He learnt all this from
his mother when he was still in India. The Nan which is homemade is also
somehow different from the one that we eat inside an Indian restaurant. The Nan
in Indian restaurant is usually very big and may have different shapes but not
round, while homemade Nan is round and much thinner and little bit harder. The
most interesting part is that homemade Nan is made directly on a fire. Kumar
showed us how to make a real homemade Nan. He was so good at it that it only
took him less than 10 minutes to make 3 Nan. First, he took some special flour
out and mixed with water. Then, he rubbed it very hard with his hands until he
thought the 硬さはちょうどいい. Next, he
took some part and rolled it into a round ball by kneading and then by using
rolling pin to make the ball into something like Mexico tortilla. He put it
into a fry pan and after it became harder, he took the Nan out and put it
directly on a fire to burn it, which really shocked me that time.
And among all
the Indian food that he made that time, I liked the milktea best. It was not
that sweet but full of the very good smell of chai. And the round thing, Gulab
Jamun he mentioned that they always have it in party or a ceremony, but it
was too sweet for me to eat that I couldn’t even finish one. I’m sure it must
be the sweetest thing I’ll ever have in my life.
ハラール食料品店で 最初に私たちは友人のKumarさんが普段利用している食料品店に行きました。東北大学の学生寮がある三条町のすぐ近くです。その食料品店はハラール食だけを取り扱っています。外から見るとふつうの小さなお店なのに、中に入って初めてかなり多様な食品があるとわかり、とても驚きました。飲み物から食べ物までムスリム人が食事を作るのに必要なほとんどすべての食料品があります。値段もとても安いです。スーパーマーケットよりも安いと思います。あとから私たちは店長と話をしました。彼はバングラディッシュから来て日本に約15年以上住んでいるとのこと。かつては東北大学の学生だったそうです。しかし、ここに住むようになってから、ムスリム人の彼にとってハラール食を買うことがとても難しいとわかりました。ハラール食を売っている店が一軒もなかったからです。そのため、卒業してから彼は、食料品店を自分で開こうと思うようになりました。最近では、ムスリム人ばかりでなく、日本人やインド人などたくさんのお客さんが毎日彼の店を訪れています。 Kumarさんは店にある食材について教えてくれ、彼がいつも買っている食材を買いました。しかし中国人の私は、その店に行くまでハラール食については実際まったく知らず、店にあるほとんどの食べ物が初めて見るものばかりです。私にとってはまったく新しい世界で、Kumarさんが作ってくれる料理が本当に楽しみでなりませんでした。
スーパーマーケットにて 次に私たちはみやぎ生協に行きました。私はたいていここで買い物をしています。好きなスナックを選びました。 ハッピーターン、ハーベスト バタートースト、カラムーチョホットチリ味、アーモンドチョコレート、仙台辛味噌ラーメン、UFO焼そば・・・これらはいつも子どもの頃を思い出させてくれる味なので好きなのです。もちろん個人的な意見ですが、すべてのスナックの中で一番おいしいとも思っています。 「お〜いお茶」という日本の緑茶も買いました。のんびりするときはお茶を飲むのが好きで、すでにたくさんの日本茶を飲んだことがあります。日本のお茶はちょっと中国のお茶とは違います。まず、中国人はめったにティーバッグを使わず、ほとんどの場合お茶の葉を使います。お茶の葉も千切られていますが、ティーパックの中に入っている茶葉よりはずっと大きいです。それから、中国人は余暇にお茶を楽しむので、ティーパックを使う代わりにお茶を入れるためのセットを使い、とてもゆっくりとお茶を入れ、いろいろな場所でいつでもお茶をいただきます。けれどティーパックには茶葉より便利な点もあります。たとえば、だんぜん便利で時間がかからないし、いつでもお茶を飲むことができます。お茶の種類も日本と中国では違います。日本では、緑茶、紅茶とウーロン茶がよく知られているお茶ですが、中国では栽培された場所によってもっといろいろな種類に分けられています。プーアル茶、ロンジン茶、ジャスミン茶などもそうです。
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