
Sendai World Festival

Reporter: Li Ying(China)

On Oct.10th, Sendai World Festival was held at Sendai International Center to let people have a close touch to different country’s culture and customs. As this festival is famous among foreign students, I have been looking forward to it since I saw the post in my university. And as there were so many activities during the day, we took the 「訪ねてみようカレーの世界」、「中国の伝統舞踊」、「多文化防災ワークショップ」and visited many corners to enjoy the foreign culture.

    When we came into the meeting room to join the workshop, a special smell welcomed us. During this workshop, we were introduced different kind of spice in Indonesia and the different functions of them. And according to the effect they want to get, they add some of the spice into the カレー to make it a healthy food.

    After learning about the spices, we went to the stage to watch the ヤンコ踊りチーム singing Chinese songs and dancing. The first song was a traditional song in Northern China while the second was a popular song which was about the courage to fly cross the desperation and trouble in life to make the life meaningful. When it came to the “yangko”, it was a traditional Chinese dance style. In China this style has a history of about 1000 years. It is said that the origination of yangko is that when farmers were working, they sang in order to reduce the hardship, and this style gradually formed yangko. As this dance related much with farming, the basic footwork of yangko was the footwork of farming. With artistic processing, yangko became one of the most famous dances for celebrating. And the content of yangko we saw was about Chinese traditional legend, which was very interesting.


    Finishing enjoying the yangko, we went to the meeting room again to join another workshop.  We acted as elder woman, elder man, 40-year-old man and young foreign student and the background was in a refuge after the earthquake. During the role playing, we found that there exists misunderstanding between people from different countries because of language and we should search for ways to solve this misunderstanding. The solutions we thought of were like drawing some simple pictures on the notice board so that people could understand and making a corner which is especially for foreigners. From the discussion, we exchanged each other’s ideas and were hoping our solutions would help later.
It was lunch time when we came back to the stage hall, takada san treated us Indian カーレ,  “nan” and spicy chicken at the インド料理ザムザム corner. Indian カーレ’s spice had something common with Indonesian one in coordinating bodies by adding different kind of spices with particular functions. Compared to traditional Japanese food, the chicken was a little bit spicier, but I liked it very much.

At that time, 東北大学すずめ踊り演舞 was also on performance. I have once enjoyed this performance at the stage of 一番町. The dance was performed by foreign students like me, and it was easy for beginners to learn because the footwork was very simple. Enjoying the performance and delicious lunch, we also chatted for some time and went on to different countries’ corners to experience the exotic cultures.

At the corner of 在日本大韓民国青年会宮城県地方本部, we played the traditional Korean game 「トゥホ」―韓国の手投げ遊び. We were both given 5 arrows and tried to throw them into the cylinder. I was so lucky that for both time I threw in many arrows. They also gave me a 韓服の折紙as present. That was very beautiful and cute.

Also we went to the Istanbul’s corner to appreciate the “EBRU Turkish traditional art”. By just putting pigment in the water, mixing them and put a special paper on the surface of water for some time. When the paper was put out, a really amazing picture appeared. I really felt surprised because no matter which pigment you put in and how you mixed them, at the end the product was always very beautiful!

Then we went to the TUFSA 東北大学留学生協会 ‘s corner to play じゃんけんぽい by my language. Luckily again, I won the game and got sweets as present. I also played another game which was listening different country’s music to guess which language it is. The first one’s name was 上を向いて, which was a popular Japanese song which my club was practicing and will perform at Tohoku University’s Festival. The second one was 月亮代表我的心, which was a popular Chinese song. The 3rd, 4th and 5th were ‘Let it go’ in different languages. I was really familiar with the songs but it was difficult for me to guess what the language was. So at last I just solved two of them. But since I could tell one song in foreign language, they also gave me a sweet for present.

At this festival, I happened to some people who I got to know when I was doing volunteering at Sendai Tanabata Festival. We all expressed out wonder that what a small world it was. And Miyoko san also invited me to join in their English meeting in next May, I was looking forward to meet them again!

At the Sendai World Festival, I really had much fun and enjoyed the attraction of different countries. Although the activities were so many that I didn’t have the chance to join in all of the events, I believe I will come again next year and be amazed by the exotic charm!

リポーター:リ イン(中国)
1010日、仙台国際センターで(参加者が)異文化に触れる「せんだい地球フェスタ」が開催されました。外国人留学生の間では有名なイベントです。大学でイベントについての掲示板を見てから、この日を楽しみにしていました。イベント当日はたくさんのアクティビティがありました。 「訪ねてみようカレーの世界」、「中国の伝統舞踊」、「多文化防災ワークショップ」などを体験し、たくさんの国々の外国文化を楽しみました。

ワークショップに参加するために会場に入ると、スペシャルな香りが私たちを出迎えてくれました。ワークショップでは、インドネシアの種類の違うスパイスについてや、作用の違いなどが紹介されました。 また、欲しい効果によっていくつかスパイスをカレーに合わせ、健康に良い料理を作っていました。
スパイスについて学んだあと、ヤンコ踊りチームのステージで中国の音楽や踊りを見に行きました。最初の歌は中国北部の伝統的な音楽で、2番目の音楽は自暴自棄な気持ちや人生において起こる問題を勇気で乗り越え、人生を意味のあるものにする、というような有名な曲です。 ヤンコの番になると、それは伝統的な中国舞踊の様式でした。中国では約1000年の歴史があります。ヤンコの起源は農家が働くときに憂さ晴らしの為に歌いました。 この様式が徐々にヤンコを形作っていきました。この踊りは農業に深く関わりがあり、ヤンコの基本的な足の動きは農作業の足の動きです。芸術的にアレンジされ、ヤンコはお祝い時の踊りとして有名な踊りの一つとなりました。中国の伝統的で面白い伝説を目にし、ヤンコの神髄を見ました。


“トルコ伝統芸術EBRU(エブル)”の鑑賞をしに、イスタンブールのコーナーに行きました。それは水に絵の具を垂らして混ぜ、特殊な紙をしばし水面にのせます。 紙を水からあげると本当に素晴らしい絵が表れるのです。どんな絵の具を入れ、どのように混ぜ合わせたとしても、出来上がったものはどれもとても美しく本当に驚きました。

別のゲームでは、それぞれ違う国の音楽を聴き、どの国の言語の音楽なのかを当てるゲームもしました。最初の曲の名前は「上を向いて歩こう」です。有名な日本の曲で、私のクラブでは東北大学祭でこの曲を発表するため練習をしています。2問目の曲は「月亮代表我的心」で中国有名な曲です。3問目と4問目、5問目は“Let it go”の違う言語のものでした。この曲には馴染みがありましたが、どの言語の物なのか当てるのはとても難しかったです。正解したのは5問中2問でしたが、外国語の1曲を答えると、またしてもプレゼントとしてお菓子をくれました。


Sendai World Festa

Reporter: Ashwini Kumar (India)

Sendai, one of the most famous and attractive city among all of from Japan. Whenever we talk about Sendai, lot of trees, many many cultural festival, delicious foods especially gyutan, mountains, excellent weather conditions/ seasons, Date Masamune, Sendai loople bus etc. Apart from these, there are several tempting opportunities such as getting involved in local events and Jogenzi Dori avenue.

And Sendai World Festa is also one of the tempting and very nice event held every year in Sendai international centre in the month of October. Thousands of people join this festival. People enjoy various food from different countries, stage performances, cross-cultural activities and last but not the least making lot of friends from different parts of the world. 

Monday 11/10/2016, I also went to this festival with my friends and I enjoyed a lot. What I have enjoyed there and my experience I will be depicting below.

What is Sendai World Festa?

Organized by the World Festa Executive Planning Committee.

Groups that are involved in multicultural cooperation, international exchange, and international understanding gathers for Sendai World Festa!

This year’s theme was: celebrate our differences!
Nationality, language, and culture, there are so many differences for us to celebrate, and the events at World Fest are certain to be fun!
Date: Monday, October 10th, (National Holiday) 10am – 4pm
Location: Sendai International Centre Exhibition Hall, and International Centre Subway Station’s 2nd floor.
For more information!

There were in total more than 57 events including every kind of. We enjoyed a lot these activities which will be described below.

First of all, we met in front of event place at 11:20 am and then planned our day of event according to everyone’s interest. It was hard to decide because there so many nice things to do in a short time. But finally we were able to decide quickly. It was very surprising just in entrance of venue because there so many university students and volunteers were doing funny activities and guiding visitors about festival.

Just in the entrance of venue there was a world map was created by one group where visitors were Sticking their chits. Children were drawing very interesting picks on them.

 Putting Smiles on world map.

Here we also put our smiles on the world map. As you can see so many funny pictures on world map behind us.

After this we were headed toward our decided plan as follows: -
12:00 pm; Yangge:
It is a Chinese folk dance originating from the song Dynasty. It is very popular in northern China and is one of the most representative from folk arts. It is very popular in both in countryside and cities. It is very popular among old people. Crowds of people usually go out in the street in the evening and dance together in a line or circle. In this dance emperor’s wives have a kind of hat on their head and beauty of this hat decide importance of his wife to him. This hat is very expensive too.

Additionally, we got chance to listen live performance of Chines artist. That song has a very great story related to that and there is movie also based upon that story. The story of that movie somehow relates with the meaning of invisible wings.

Apart from them we had also many many other nice opportunities to learn and enjoy together. And Jodo was one of them, which is traditional Japanese martial arts, which is practised between two people in which one person fights with wooden sword and another with staff. The Jo is usually 3 to 5 feet.

Apart from Jodo, the Japanese traditional dance and especially from Sendia city was very amazing. It is known as Suzume odori which means Sparrow dance. Suzume stands for sparrow and Odori stands for dance.
I had many many chance to participate in this dance form and events. The original sparrow dance is derived from the dance and improvised by the stonemasons at the feast for the construction of Sendai castle of famous monarch Masamune Date about 400 years ago.

Apart from stage performances, there were another lot of workshops going on in other rooms. We participated in few of them very actively. One of them was about introduction of spice world to Japanese community. It was nice to enter in that room. Full of room was smelling with spices and people were enjoying this smell of spices. Students from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia were telling about spices and importance of them not only in food but also in our daily life that how people use them for health issues.

Another workshop was more interesting to us because of information regarding emergency. Because in Japan we have many many natural disasters and it very important to aware community especially foreign community about evacuation systems and plans. We were in teams of 4 to5 people and discussed about what can be best solution at the time of emergency. I became Yamashita in that workshop.

 After this workshop we went for lunch at a Indian restaurant in the same venue. It is named as Zam Zam, my one of favourite restaurant in Sendai. We order curry rice, nan- curry and grilled chicken. It was so nice to had lunch together with my friends and at the same time performances were going on, on the stage in front of us.
 ZAM ZAM' s Chef Mr. Arun Poojari.
At the end, we decide to look on the different organisation from Miyagi prefecture, which are active in different roles across the society. One of then was TUFSA (Tohoku University Foreign Student Association) which is very active in Sendai city. One of the biggest event by them annually is Tohoku University International Festival (TUIF ).

After this we went to a booth from S.Korea, where we played an interesting game of throwing sticks in a cylindrical vessel made up of wooden. It was really entertaining to us. Also, just next to this booth there was another booth related some art and craft from Turkey named Ebru.

Turkey's art and craft booth.
After this we said bye bye to each other. It was a very nice day and very entertaining.
In essence, I suggest that you must go there next year.

リポーター:アシュウイニ クマル(インド)
今年のテーマは「ちがうって おもしろい!」
日付:1010日(月 祝日)午前10時から午後4時まで
中国の北部ではとても有名で民族芸術の中で最も代表的な物の一つです。都市部や地方共にとても有名です。 年配の方の中ではとっても有名です。 夕暮れ時にたくさんの人々が通りへ行き、列または輪になりみんなで踊ります。この踊りの皇后たちは頭に帽子のような美しいものを頭にかぶります。この髪形と帽子の美しさは皇后を決めるうえで重要で、とても高価なものです。
また、中国人のアーティストよる生の歌声(ライブ)を聴く機会がありました。この歌はとてもとても素晴らしい実話に基づいており、映画にもなっています。この映画の物語は「Invisible wings見えない翼」というものに関するようです。
杖道の次は日本の伝統舞踊です。格別、仙台の舞踊は素晴らしいです。すずめ踊り(Sparrow Dance)のSparrowは日本語で「すずめ」という意味でDanceは「踊り」という意味で知られています。
別のワークショップは私たち留学生にはより興味深いものでした。なぜなら緊急事態についての案内だったからです。日本では自然災害がとても多くあります。 避難方法や避難計画など地域社会について特に外国人たちが知ることはとても重要なことです。
その一つのTUFSATohoku University Foreign Student Association:東北大学留学生協会)は仙台でも精力的に活動している団体です。TUFSAが主催する大きなイベントの1つに東北大学インターナショナルフェスティバル(TUIF)があります。

1 開催月は年度により変更があります